Messy Round The Edges

011: Caitlin Rozario - Enhancing Productivity With Interlude

January 15, 2022 Season 2 Episode 11

Serena talks to Caitlin Rozario co-founder of a brand new business Interlude.

In this episode, we discuss how during the pandemic Caitlin and her partner Will cooked up a genius new online platform to help workers and businesses supercharge their productivity through the power of quality breaks.

Can you remember the last time you took a proper break at work?  
Many of us power through a 40 hr work week not taking sufficient time to recharge.

Interlude is designed to help you rest and make you feel good at work and in life.

After numerous gentle nudges in life to slow down, Caitlin was forced to relook and review how hard she was pushing herself to be a high achiever which lead to a serious health scare and burnout.

Caitlin's journey is messy, honest, and inspiring.

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Connect with Serena
Founder of Melitarose London
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